Join us for CascadiaJS 2020!

Why You Should Attend CascadiaJS 2019

CascadiaJS is the premier JavaScript conference in the Pacific Northwest and is being held in Seattle, WA on Nov 7-8.

This year's event will bring together an amazing group of ~600 web developers from across the Pacific Northwest (and beyond).

You will find every kind of developer you can imagine:

Over the course of 2 days, you'll hear 20 amazing talks by experts and their fields, covering everything from Web Assembly to HTTP/3 to building more inclusive teams.

In between and around these talks we will create lots of opportunities for you to meet people and connect, including scheduling frequent breaks between talks, catering meals at the venue and organizing several social evening social events.

If you want to attend, but aren't sure you can justify the time and expense, we've written up a handy guide to reviewing the ROI of Attending and even have a Boss Letter Template that you can use when emailing your manager.

We hope this information is useful and we’re excited to see you at CascadiaJS in November!

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